Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Sad Face

I wish I had a picture, but I don't take my camera with me to confession.

We all went to confession this a.m. and the Little Princess brought her little bag of toys to play with while we waited in the long line. As I got closer to the front, she came up to me and asked to go to confession. She's only 6 1/2, going into 1st grade, and First Confessions usually take place in January of 2nd grade. So she has a while to wait!

She's so sad that she has to wait when she knows she does things wrong. On occasion I have let her go in for a quick blessing when there's not a long line, or we're at the end of it. She even writes down her sins and brings the list with her in hopes that she'll get to go. Once, I heard Father asking her what she had done wrong and giving her absolution. I'm pretty sure he knew that she was too young, but I guess she has already had her first confession!

I wish the parish could have more flexibility on things like this. I don't think she's ready for her First Communion because she doesn't participate much in the Mass. She knows that the Jesus is present in the blessed sacrament, but I'm all for waiting on that until there is more active participation. Maybe it comes because kids know they're preparing for Holy Communion, but maybe it is because they're just maturing enough.

I love it when we all get to confession together and we go to Krispy Kreme for donuts and coffee afterwards. It's one of my favorite family times.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad Fr. Mike is gone, he used to let Daniel in and "hear" his confession all the time.

    Reminded me of the one time I went to confession with 2 of mine and felt so smug and self important... kinda a look at me what a great mom I am... only to come out and see all 8 of you in line.... popped that super mom bubble right away. That's why I love being around you super mom!


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