Monday, December 20, 2010

Advent Update

This is sort of my own little daybook...I'm breaking the rules here, which is soooo unlike me.  

It's quiet this morning.  Dh has gone to work, but he's the only one who has to continue to exist in the Real World this week.  The rest of us are all in holiday-I-can-do-whatever-I-want-and-sleep-as-late-as-I-want mode.  I got up to spend some time with him and enjoy the pre-dawn with my Christmas lights.

I actually don't know what I'm going to do with myself today.  We finished our shopping yesterday.  DH and I went out to the mall for a short trip, got a couple of things, and then I finished up with Amazon later.  Love that Amazon Prime "free" 2-day shipping.
All my kids are home.  It's wonderful to have them around.  They've been home for 3 days now, but I don't think we've had dinner altogether YET.  Someone is always out.  
Still making cookies.  We'll make a few more this week, specifically iced sugar cookies.  I've been waiting until the schedule was not so hectic, and for KT to come home so she could do it.  Shhh.  Don't tell her.  Yesterday we made Giant Ginger Cookies.  They're pretty amazing!
You want to know what I'm wearing, since that's a traditional part of The Daybook?  I'm wearing my U. of Virginia sweatshirt (not so attractive) over my new nightgown that I made.  

In a frenzy of Scots thriftiness and mad craftiness (and probably a bit of sentimentality, too), I made it out of an I-don't-know-how-old-it-is tablecloth.  Did I tell you a couple of months ago about my brother coming to visit and bringing my Dear Mother's china cabinet for KT?  Inside were 2 things:  a tablecloth she was cross-stitching (I don't know what to do with that, yet), and a white, cotton damask tablecloth.  They had been in the hutch for at least 15 years and were badly discolored (so WHY did I want to make a nightgown out of it if it wasn't suitable for a table? My husband deserves better than that!). 
Poinsettias by Mary Lou Marshall (my mom!)

After bleaching it twice, and using a simple pattern, I now have a wonderful nightgown that I love. love. love.  It's a heavy cotton that feels as soft as butter.  It's cozy, yet it's not flannel.  It's attractive, too, but I won't post pictures since that might be more than the internets can handle.

I know you're in shock and you can't believe I'd wear such a thing, but I think my husband likes it.  Right, hon?  And I know it's an improvement over flannel pants and a tshirt.
Yesterday was an adventure at Mass.  For some reason, our 2 organists and choir director all went out of town.  Poor communication there, I'd say.  So the director asked me and Capt. Jeff to cantor a capella (that's without instrumental accompaniment!) at 2 Masses.  It was fun and nerve-wracking.  We both made our share of mistakes; although, admittedly, I made more than he did.  But we recovered and soldiered on each time, and I think it was a success. 
It's quiet here, except for the occasional cough from TMax. He has the flu---fever, chills, cough.  I'm pondering how that will affect our Christmas---will it strike down everyone in the house like wildfire?  Or will the rest of us escape unscathed?  Will we make it to Midnight Mass on Friday?

Only God knows.


What are you doing for these last days of Advent?  Are you cooking?  Baking?  Tell me what you're making!

1 comment:

  1. I love your mom's painting -- how beautiful! And I love that you made a nightgown from her tablecloth -- I love reusing. We are such a wasteful society, it always makes me feel so good making old things new again.

    Baking here, and wrapping, and hoping I don't think of anything else that needs to be purchased. I really wish all the gift-giving would end (and I always sound very Scroogey during this week each year!).


Thanks for dropping by! I would love to hear from you. Have a beautiful day! :-)


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