Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer School

No such thing here. All pretense of completing schoolbooks has been dropped. Swimming and playing with friends has taken over our lives.

Not that I'm worried about it. As I recall from my schooldays, we rarely, if ever, actually completed a textbook. We were very close to the end of those books, anyway. And when swim team is over, I may just make them sit down and do it if I hear a single "I'm bored. There's nothing to do!"

It's time for me to settle down and put all the grades into the computer and start planning for next year.

Thanks to my inspirational friend, Carol, I already have a new geography plan for everyone. It's Visualize World Geography from Tenderheart Press. When I showed it to the jaded teenagers, they totally scoffed at it, but Carol said her 3 year-old learned the countries and their locations, so I'm willing to give it a try. I think it will be fun.

I'm also taking a math cue from her and getting the Teaching Textbooks for TMax. He'll be studying Geometry this year. While I managed to remember most of my Algebra 1 this past year, I don't think I'll be able to say the same thing for my geometry skills. Apologies to Mr. Sirk who taught high school geometry with flair and drama. I do remember that the sum of the squares of the sides of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse, but that's about all. Anyway, the Teaching Textbooks should do the teaching and the checking for me, so I only have to supervise and answer the occasional question. I'm looking forward to trying it. For the younger 2, we're still sticking with Singapore because I'm pleased with what they learned this year.

So, my plan now is to stop trying to get projects done around the house. I give up. I'll just stay here at the computer all day wrapping up lesson plans, planning lesson plans, ordering new books, and pacing myself with plenty of Twitter updates, FB visits, and blog reading. Maybe I'll get up and throw the occasional load of clothes in the washer, or drive someone someplace, but if you need me, you can probably find me at the computer.

Now, if I only had a laptop and I could do all this at the pool. That would be the life.


  1. Good luck teaching proofs. We had an awful time this year and I wasn't even the teacher -- just the homework helper. If Teaching Textbooks does a good job be sure to let us know!

  2. eh, let kids be kids and let summer be SUMMER!!

  3. my daughter used TT for Geometry this year-- she actually enjoyed it (usually we grumble over math... the joys of saxon..) and she really learned it, too. I'm switching my son to TT Math 7 next year.

    The first year we home schooled, I did make them finish their math books. My youngest daughter (then in 3rd grade) was so excited-- apparently she had NEVER finished a text book before!!!

    I started using HST+ this spring-- love it (then my laptop crashed!) I got it reloaded on my mac and look forward to getting it all set up for next year. Thanks for the tip!

    Happy summer!


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