One more swim meet down, one to go. Two if you count the county meet. Another big win for our team.
We got our new piano yesterday, a Knabe upright, and we're very happy with it. It sounds beautiful, contrary to the opinion of the Pipster. We didn't go for the Yamaha grand, which would have been nice, but I just couldn't justify the money. Although, if I could have, I would have skipped right over the Yamaha and gotten the 1926 fully restored Knabe grand which was gorgeous inside and out, and just a few grand (pardon the pun!) more than the Yamaha. I like the fact that the piano store offers a trade-up guarantee, and if we decide that we can afford or need the grand, they'll give us 100% of the Knabe's value toward the upgrade.
Shopping for pianos has been very interesting.
The Pioneer Woman has finally posted the last chapter of Black Heels to Tractor Wheels! I haven't had a chance to read it yet. I'm saving it for a) when I have time, and b) when I have a little quiet so I won't be constantly interrupted. Go read it if you haven't already. It's great summer reading. Too bad you can't take it to the pool!
This time next week I expect we'll be the proud owners of a third of a grass-fed, hormone and antiobiotic-free cow. And maybe I'll be reading this and following the instructions. And maybe I'll be using the dehydrator that I scored at last week's yard sale to make jerky.
My godson came home from boy scout summer camp last week. You may have read about it in the papers. His troop contracted the
I'm looking forward to sending TMax and Pipster to boyscout camp next week.
That's about it for me today. Time to get dressed and start the long round of driving people places with military precision.
Which makes me think: I want to sit down and knit. I abandoned that sock I started---mainly because I haven't been sitting down, except at the computer, and then my hands are busy. Anyway....I'm remembering a sweater that I wanted to make for myself last winter. I think it may be time to find the link and order the pattern and the yarn! I have a birthday coming up---maybe I can have it done by then.
Have a great weekend, everyone! And stop by Jen's for more Quick takes!
might wanna wait a few days on buying yarn.....