It's hard to believe that 2010 has flown by. Does every year seem to go by faster and faster? I know lots of people are cleaning their houses to start fresh for the new year; people are getting all introspective and making those Resolutions.
I'm doing Neither. Well, maybe a little. We'll probably clean house today so that we can spend tomorrow having fun since it's a HolyDay.
I'm a little introspective, but not much more than usual. Shouldn't we be thinking Every Day about how we can change and do better tomorrow? I've definitely learned my lesson about waiting until Monday or, God forbid, the New Year to start a diet, because that mentality just doesn't work. Every day, every moment is a new opportunity given by God to make the right choice.
I might write down some goals for the year, but only because Other People blogging about such things are making me think it's a good idea. But I'd think it was a good idea if I read about it in March, too.
We don't have any big plans for tonight; we never do. We're considering driving all the way to the Latin Mass parish for Midnight Mass. In theory, I love the idea. Practically, I'm not thrilled with the late return-trip with the drunks on the road.
I think Midnight Mass is the absolute best way to ring in the New Year! What do you like to do for New Year's Eve?
Simply stunning views in this video, and the bagpipes playing Auld Lang Syne are gorgeous, too.
(Yes, Dear, another place to add to our List.)
I had to run errands yesterday. I was alone and had no knitting to do in the car since I've finished the gray sweater! It was weird.
The sweater is still upstairs drying, although I'm not sure that blocking is really doing anything for it. We'll see. Pictures soon!
Instead of New Year's Resolutions, I'm thinking more about knitting projects for next Christmas, because now's the time to start, aye?
2011 brings a couple of big events with it. We're looking towards 2 graduations: high school and college! Our little girl has a job offer, which puts her way ahead of many of her peers. She's looking at apartments and we're wondering where that little, fat baby went!
Thinking ahead to what the year Will bring, and what the year May bring, leads me to the One Resolution that I do make nearly Every. Single. Day.
Pray more, so I can be prepared to meet whatever comes. So I can look ahead with Hope and not fear.
You can find more Quick Takes at Jen's. They're probably full of New Year reflections, too!