Friday, December 4, 2009

7 Quick Takes Friday

1.   Monday was a bad day around here.  Stuff happens and it's not all good.

I'm trying desperately to trust the Lord and have the Peace and Joy that Advent should bring.

We're praying the St. Andrew novena on the sidebar ===========================>
for a special intention.  I'd love it if you'd add our intention to your prayers.

My right eye has been twitching for 3 days as a result of the stress.  And does anyone really need that extra little annoyance to add to it and remind them constantly of said stress?

No, I didn't think so.

2.  Snowflake production continues apace.  The kids are getting better at them and now they're round instead of square.  Some people don'e like square snowflakes.  Go figure!

3.  I paid my speeding ticket yesterday.  Merry Christmas, Police Department!  I hope they do something nice with the money, like put up a Christmas tree.  At least I'm learning where all the speed traps are around town these days----and let me tell you:  there are a LOT of them!  At least I'm not learning the hard way. (Crossing my fingers!)

4.  Have you had a peppermint milkshake from Chik fil-A (aka "Ricka chicka" around here) yet?
They are too yummy for words!  I'm not a huge peppermint fan.  I don't like candy canes.  I never eat those little mint candies.  I don't seek out peppermint patties.  But this was  You gotta get one before they disappear!

5.  I made some good progress on my sock the other day, but too many days pass without doing more than a row or two.  I despair of finishing them and any other knitted Christmas gifts.  I wish I were a faster knitter.

6.  I'm soooo glad it is Friday!  I plan to curl up and knit a LOT today.  Maybe watch a movie tonight with dh.  Our parish Christmas party is tomorrow night and I'm looking forward to that, although I must admit that it slightly annoys me that they don't hold the Christmas party during the Christmas season (December 25-January 6) instead of during Advent, the penitential season of preparation.

7.  Pioneer Woman will be in Buckhead on Monday signing her cookbook which I just so happen to have in my possession!  I took the liberty of helping Dh with his Christmas shopping and checking that off his list.  So I haven't read it yet, but I'm taking it to get it signed------IF I can get out of cantoring at the Immaculate Conception vigil which I foolishly signed up for without my calendar in hand.   I guess I'll get out my comfy knitting chair for a little while today to make a trip to church and visit with the choir director....I could call, but that's not the same.

Stop by Jennifer's for more 7 Quick Takes


  1. I hope you get to sit and knit quite a bit this weekend (I made a rhyme!). I hope to, also.

  2. knit happy!

    but watch out for those eyetwitches....they cause dropped stitches you know ;-)

    mmm ;:;:;:-) see my right eye twitching there??

    God Bless your intention.

    HAHAHA, word verification is "socki" go figure....

  3. CFA peppermint milkshakes!!! one word: YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

  4. On it for the prayers!

    I too can't stop snowflaking. But I am sure you will have a whiter wonderland.

    I so want to see PW! I think Daniel's orchestra concert is Monday...

    There, MY Friday quick takes, on your blog, because I am a lazy fool.


Thanks for dropping by! I would love to hear from you. Have a beautiful day! :-)


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