Monday, August 25, 2008

Smart Martha doesn't allow for Blogging!

Well, between the internet being out most of last week and starting back to school full force, it's getting hard to find time to blog. I can't even spare the brainpower to write a post in my head!

I'm overwhelmed by my to-do list for this week. I'm hoping that next week will be better and this is just a bump in the road.

It's NOT because my in-laws are coming this weekend, really. No, really, I can see you smirking! That doesn't stress me out very much (I'm very lucky in that regard!)---I just have to clean up the house and have meals planned, which I generally try to do anyway. Shopping for those meals might be another issue, however.

It's probably all the fault of Smart Martha, whose seminar should have been at the beginning of the summer when we had all the time in the world to re-organize and declutter our homes before we all started homeschooling again.

This weekend we bunked TMax's and Pipster's beds. This a.m., before school, we cleared all the toys out of the room and dumped them in the playroom. It looks amazing in there! We even moved a desk in for TMax to do his schoolwork at. As he's doing right this moment.

During our midday break, we went through the Little Princess's room and did the same. Boy, do girls ever have a lot of clutter! Most of her stuff went down, except for a basket of special dolls and Disney figurines.

Now, I need to clean up the playroom---soon, so Hitch and Madden can actually get to their room! It all has to be reorganized and stuff moved out.

Photos are still all over the dining room table and need to be moved down to the room-formerly-known-as-the-schoolroom, where I will place them on the table, just below where they are now, in their same positions. Just like when the house elves prepare the food at Hogwarts. That would be nice if I could just make them appear down there! Most of the organization is done now and I just need to make albums!

Finally, there is a class on Shell Identificiation to prepare for. Did I mention that previously? Yeah, I have nothing new to say. It's all the same old run-around:

  • too much schoolwork
  • too much laundry
  • too much cooking
  • too much re-organizing
  • too many photos
  • too much co-op preparation.

I'll have to post pictures later of all this great organization, and disorganization, in progress. Stay tuned!


  1. I wanted to go to the Smart Martha seminar. You'll have to give me some tips. I thought she was going to say - "to heck with it all! sit at the feet of Jesus!" No?! :-)

  2. I am reading your blog instead of finishing my coop class prep! lol


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