Friday, September 28, 2012

Combustible Quick Takes


This is what my son wants for his birthday.  A Combustible Lemon......alrighty then.


Isn't it great when you're trying to plan your busy day, and get to All the Places on time, when you suddenly discover that a major time window has been opened up because you don't have your homeschool co-op in the afternoon?

That hasn't happened to you?  Well, that's my day today and it makes me so happy!


Finally....after talking about it for months....I spent 30 seconds setting the alarm on my phone to ring for the Angelus at noon!  


I am looking forward to the Year of Faith since I've signed up with Flocknote to receive sections of the  Catechism of the Catholic Church in my inbox every day.  If I read them, ;-), I'll have read the entire Catechsim by the end of the year!  I know some dedicated people who can manage to read the Catechism from cover to cover, but I'm not one of them, so easily overwhelmed am I by the size.  But an email, I can handle that!


My goal this weekend is to spend a lot of time reading a book that a agreed to review.  Not that I'm not enjoying it, but I find that I have a dozen or so books at my bedside which I really like, but have never managed to finish.  Honestly, these days I think I'm a bit ADD where books are concerned!


Stitching away on a new dress from the Alabama Chanin line.  Since I'm using a more intricate decorative stitch, it's going to be a while before I wear it!


In the interest of full disclosure, I'd put my own Amazon Affiliate links in my posts if my account with them wasn't all messed up, so instead, I'm using links from SQPN.  You're supporting them if you click through to Amazon on one of my links and buy something!  :-)


Join the fun at Jen's for more 7 Quick Takes!

1 comment:

  1. A handsewn dress? Like pieced by hand? Like Ma? Very cool.

    And how does Amazon affiliates work? I always wondered.


Thanks for dropping by! I would love to hear from you. Have a beautiful day! :-)


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