Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday, Monday

I'm sitting here this morning, cold and unwilling to start the day week.

My dreams were filled with my gigantic TO DO LIST for this week.

We have a full week of school ahead of us, as usual.

It looks like I'll be back and forth to the garden twice a day for a while.  It froze last night and we had to go cover the seedlings.  Since it's a community garden, we also have to go back over first thing this morning to remove the covers.  And go back tonight to re-cover the seedlings, et cetera.  It's supposed to warm up again later in the week, thank heavens.

So, it's cold and I need to get dressed.  That means I'll probably put on my favorite sweater to stay warm.  It's actually my Dear Husband's sweater.  Of course.  It's a gray wool cardigan that my mom gave him years ago.   Very Mister Rogers---except with buttons, not a zipper.  I guess he gets too warm in it, but he never wore it much, so I "borrowed" it a couple of years ago.  I wear it all the time in the winter.

It's's his sweater.... She gave it to him, but I feel so close to my mom when I wear it.  I think of her all the time.  I think of how much she loved my Dear Husband.

And the really sad thing is that it's wearing out.  The cuffs are all frayed.  I'm afraid I'm going to have to retire it soon.  Actually, I'll turn it into something else....I don't know what yet....but I can't just toss it in the bin.  I'm unreasonably attached to this sweater.  I'm not nearly as attached to the clothes she wore, herself, just this.

What would you do with an old sweater????  I think it will felt very nicely, but then what?


  1. We must be on the same wavelength -- Monday, Monday.

    Keep wearing the sweater. Who cares if it's starting to look worn? You love it!

  2. yeah dont put it away! if it looks too worn for you to wear it, ill take it! its so cozy looking

  3. either a blanket or a pillow.

    since you use it for warmth I'd add it to some fleece or flannel and make a blanket out of it. Don't believe I'd felt it either....Just sew onto something applique.


Thanks for dropping by! I would love to hear from you. Have a beautiful day! :-)


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