Monday, December 10, 2012

A New Saint for the Year

I told you how we chose our patron saints for the year last week, but I didn't tell you was chosen for each of us.  The Saint Name Generator gave me Bl. John Duns Scotus---which meant nothing to me, but I decided to go with it, anyway.  After all, I had said the prayer for the appropriate saint, and I figured God knew more about him than I did.  Last year I was too smug to keep the saint chosen for me.

Due to a busy week, we didn't say our prayers very much last week, and I kept forgetting to look him up (or even remember his name).  Saturday afternoon I saw a tweet that said we should read about him on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, so I followed the link.   He is known for not being very bright and asking the Blessed Virgin to help him with his studies.  She, in turn, took away those difficulties and gave him a "sublime intelligence" which allowed him to comprehend and teach the yet-to-be-defined dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary with great clarity---more than 500 years before it was defined by Pope Pius IX in 1854.

In light of my consecration in August, I have a sneaking suspicion why he might have been chosen as my patron for the year.  I am looking forward to getting to know him better.  Looks like there's a movie about him, too!

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