Friday, February 22, 2013

Chilly Quick Takes


I'll start with a complaint...because that's such a Lenten thing to do...I'm getting a wee bit sick of this winter that can't decide what to do with itself!  One day it's cold and wintry (normal, you know), and the next day it warms up to spring-like temperatures.  But Winter and Spring don't like each other much, so they clash, and we get rain.  Not warm, summery rain, but cold wintry, unpleasant rain.  Now, if Winter would just stay, you know, winter, we could stop having these wet clashes with pushy Spring.  Give me cold sunshine over cold rain any day.  


I don't like to complain about the weather, but this winter is getting to me.  How are you enjoying your sun/blizzards/ice?  Is it normal for you, or is this winter driving you crazy?


Our homeschool group had a lesson from Chinese dancers today.  We saw lots of different dances, and the kids got to practice a little with fans and scarves.  Oh, how I wish that I hadn't had my knitting in my hands and I had gotten a video of my 14 yo son doing the ribbon dance!  He was so cute.  (Don't tell him I said that!)


Said 14 yo son needed a ski mask over President's Day weekend for a ski trip with the Boy Scouts, so he picked one off Ravelry, and I crocheted it for him:  

Oh, sorry, that's the model.  An Ood from Dr. Who.

Here's the one I made:

Pip loved it, but it turns out that it's not actually practical for skiing.  

Who'd (see what I did there?) have thunk it?


It's taking me hours to finish these nots-so-quick takes!  Mainly because of a phone call from a friend in AHG.  We just talked about everything under the sun while waiting for an email which never came.   Surfing through my Google Reader between takes slows me down, too!


So, I've been looking all over my house for the kids' standardized test scores.  I can't find them anywhere.  But you know what I have found?  A bunch of stuff that doesn't belong here, or there, or anywhere.  As soon as it warms up....why? why can't I work while it's chilly?....I want to go through my house, room by room, drawer by drawer, and organize the whole place!  I think I probably said that a while back...when the weather was warm...and never did it.  

What do you do when you're sick of the clutter and disorganization?  Don't tell me you clean!  Tell me how you clean!  Pretty please.


In lieu of actual, official Standardized Test Scores, Meg and Pip will have to undergo Assessment Tests next Tuesday for the hybrid homeschool we applied to!  Say a prayer for them.  They're bright kids, but they're sort of freaking out a little.  Me, too.


Join the fun at Jen's for more 7 Quick Takes!


  1. Ugh...we are doing out tests in March...don't want to think about it til then...

    Totally love the mask!!!! (pretty funny) You are the greatest!

    Hating winter. I think it's the only thing I actually hate. (OK, maybe mushrooms and egg whites and's a texture thing)

    I think here in MN, February comes and March is almost here and we want the snow to start melting, we want an early spring. It never happens. It will actually start to melt end of March (if we are lucky) and probably snow on Easter.

    Cleaning? Try picking one room, or one area and work on that one thing each day til it's done. Maybe that will help? I am constantly trying to declutter.

    1. I don't know if I could handle the winter up north! OTOH, you have really long summer days!

      I think picking one room at a time is a good plan. Unfortunately, I always start with the main floor, most-lived-in rooms. So they're in pretty good shape while the rest of the house suffers!


Thanks for dropping by! I would love to hear from you. Have a beautiful day! :-)


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