Friday, February 8, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Friendship Edition

Proverbs 18:24
There are friends who pretend to be friends,
    but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.


The theme of this year's American Heritage Girls sleepover is "Friendship," so it has been on my mind a lot as I think about what I might say at this event.  We have an opportunity to talk about a friendship that we have that is special to us.  My first thought was my bff from high school that I talk to every 3 years or so, and we catch up and have a great time talking long distance.  While I love her dearly, and my kids have all grown up hearing stories about her, it's not the ideal friendship. 


And then there's the friend that I met almost as soon as we moved here to GA.  The term "Best Friend" almost trivializes the relationship we have.  We are godmothers to each other's 14 year-old boys, (and her prayers for my son have been very helpful over the years) and we have been in and out of each other's daily lives for 16 years.


A true friend, like mine, tells you when you're wrong, and does it in such a loving, gentle way that, even if your feelings are hurt, you're able to look past that and see that she's right.


A true friend might get so busy for a while with life, and activities that never intersect with yours, that you don't see or speak to each other for a long, long, time, but will eventually call because she misses your companionship.


A true friend is one who prays regularly.  Not necessarily for you, though that happens a LOT, too, but enough that she hears the voice of the Holy Spirit telling her that you need a phone call and immediate emotional support!  She prays for you and with you, and gives good counsel.


A true friend supports you in your marriage, your faith, your parenting, and even your dieting.  She listens to you complain in person, by phone, by text, and by email.  She wants to help you get to heaven as much as her own family.  Hallie Lord writes about her good friend, today, too.


And you know, the amazing thing is that you can find and make friends like these on the internet?   

Tell me about your best friend!  What's the most important trait in a friend?


Join the fun at Jen's for more 7 Quick Takes!

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