FOR TODAY August 8, 2012
Outside my window...
Dark. More than that, I don't know yet. Up at 5 a.m.
I am thinking...
About all the things on the To Do list, and trying to remember a few. Last night, I was assisting at a Boy Scouts Board of Review, and all kinds of AHG things that I had forgotten or should do kept popping into my head. Since I didn't have paper to write them down at the time, I have to try to remember them.
I am thankful...
For the return of structure, today!
From the learning room kitchen table...
Somehow, by the grace of God, and with the assistance of my pupils, I managed to clear out all their books from last year and gather most of the books for the new year. I did this
yesterday. Talk about waiting until the last minute, but you can do that when you're starting your
18th year of homeschooling and, chances are, you have all the books you need in the basement. Or a substitute. We are meeting a friend after lunch today to borrow a couple of her books. I've got all their grades gathered together from my handy notebook, and I can write report cards for last year.
In the kitchen...
Evidently, my 16 yo is going Paleo. I'm not sure what inspired him
after my months of nagging and lecturing (although it might have been the Olympics), but now I'm more motivated to keep my diet clean. It's also a lot more work to make sure he has a good breakfast and lunch to take to school with him.
I am wearing...
Denim shorts and a tank because I thought I'd be walking the dog. I guess I'll go downstairs and do some exercise as soon as Dh and Tom leave for work and school.
I am knitting...
Still working on that Citron scarf. Knitting is not high on the priority list these days, but I did manage to whip up a dozen napkins in the past 24 hours which I can't wait to share with you. If I have time.
I am going...
To start school, to the park, and to start picking up Tom after school again.
I am wondering...
What the UPS man is bringing me for my birthday! There are 7 emails in the "Orders" smart mailbox that I have diligently avoided looking at. They come into my email on the phone, too, but if I see Amazon pop up, I immediately hand it to one of my kids to delete.
I am reading...
The Truth About St. Therese----I really love this book. I'm not sure why; I don't think it's that scholarly, but it is a slightly different take on the Little Flower.
A review copy of Sarah Reinhardt's upcoming book. I really need to spend more time on that!
I was searching the house yesterday for a copy of C.S. Lewis's
Mere Christianity, which I'm sure we should have a copy of having purchased it at least 12 years ago. What I found, instead, were dozens of really awesome books that
I want to read, that I want the
kids to read, and that I can't believe some of the kids haven't
ever read. There are soooo many books in this house!
I am hoping...
For a good school day. Lots of good school days would be nice, with a patient mom who has seen it all before and shouldn't be surprised when a child struggles with a concept or just doesn't want to work.
Around the house...
I'm sure you will be shocked to hear that it is still cluttered! I never had any time to de-clutter this summer. The best I can hope for is that a daily routine will help me find 15 minutes here and there to do some work. And to top it off, the detritus from The Chairand a couple of other things (while the sewing machine was out) are still creating clutter.
One of my favorite things...
Dropping off stuff at the thrift store to get it out of my house!
A few plans for the rest of the week...
AHG Leadership Team meeting. Birthday. :-) Trivia Night.
Hosted by
The Simple Woman's Daybook