Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 14

Oops, I was supposed to post a picture today, wasn't I? Believe it or not, I was working hard trying to have a productive school day, finish the laundry, take LP & Pipster to see Hannah Montana: The Movie, fix dinner and take TMax to Boy Scouts.

So here are three lovely (may I say) pictures of some of our Easter fun. We attempted a 3-4 layer coconut cake for Easter (just a little out of our league!). One layer broke when someone who shall remain nameless tried to take it out of the pan before it cooled. (In case you don't know: bread comes out of the pan while still warm, so it won't sweat and get soggy. Cake stays in the pan until completely cooled!). The other layer broke for some other reason; I forget. After frosting the usual 2 layers, we had leftover frosting and I decided to use the broken pieces to make cake balls a la Pioneer Woman. Who doesn't love PDub? Actually, the cake balls are Bakerella's idea, but that's on PW's site.

We just broke up the cake, added the frosting and blended it all together until it looked like barf. Charming, huh? Then we rolled it into little balls and rolled them in coconut. TMax said it tasted good but felt like something you didn't want to be eating. Or something equally scary.

They may have looked and felt disgusting, but they sure didn't last long!

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