Monday, November 3, 2008

A Thankful Heart is a Happy Heart

That makes me want to go watch Veggie Tales Madam Blueberry today to help us get into the swing of being thankful! Do you ever go through life thinking you're thankful, but not really paying attention to the little day-to-day things? Just the big things?

I remember a time, about 12 years ago, where the Master of the World and I actively looked for signs of God's presence in our lives. The number of times and the ways He spoke to us were astounding. It's sounds bad to say that we did that 12 years ago. It seems as if we don't do it anymore. I don't think that's true, though. I think we just became so convinced that He is active in our lives that we don't have to make a conscious effort all the time to look for Him.

Maybe gratitude is the same way. Or is it? So this month, I'm joining in the Giving Thanks Challenge from South Breeze Farm. Watch my sidebar for gratitudinal additions. Daily, I hope. Or I'll add in several if I miss a day. I know this month I'll be thinking often....daily....of my friend w/ terminal cancer. She has always been thankful for her blessings. One of the most beautiful people I know. She is now facing the huge trial of recovering from brain surgery and fighting her cancer and she is obviously thankful for every moment with her family and friends. I want to be that thankful, and I don't want the specter of death to make me get there.

So, for now, I am thankful for having had KT home from UGa for 4 days. I love having her home. I love having all my children around the dinner table and having fun with them. We have always had wonderful family dinners and I'm thankful that that is a habit we started early and stuck with in spite of the sometimes crazy evening schedules. I'm terribly grateful for MoW because he's the glue that holds us together.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad your playing along. It should be a splendid month!


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