Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lenten Preparation

It was such a bonus that yesterday was a holiday---we should always have a holiday on the Monday before Ash Wednesday because we can use that time for making preparations that generally get left until the last minute Ash Wednesday.

I was able to go around the house and gather the items we've collected over the years for Lent.

I got a bunch of our Fr. Lovasik books that are suitable for the season.  I gathered up all the blessed palms from around the house---we'll either deliver them to the church today for burning, or burn them ourselves tomorrow.

I found my Lenten front-door wreath and the "crown of thorns".  Would you believe I left the bowl of stained toothpick "thorns" on top of the refrigerator for an entire year???  The children filled the wreath with thorns this morning, and I'm happy to say they felt a little guilty putting thorns in Jesus's crown.  So, we had a little teachable moment about how we need to make reparation and remove the thorns during Lent.

I found our Lenten calendar and the box full of "ornaments" to go with the daily Bible readings.  I'm pretty sure I got all the ideas and the scripture readings from Shower of Roses.  Oh, yes, look here.

We're all set except for pinning down some of those sacrifices.  I'll keep you posted!

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