Thursday, September 17, 2015

PHFR on the Cusp of Fall

round button chicken

Linking up with the ladies at Like Mother Like Daughter


The weather here has been spec.tac.ular! Perfect temps and no humidity! Because it is all about the humidity. 

My friend and I usually walk around the park near our school, but the other day we chose to scout out the surrounding area, since we had less time. The lovely, new City Hall has this picturesque walkway behind it where did a lap. Unfortunately, we couldn't walk all the way around as they are still doing construction, but it was a wonderful little surprise!


I sat here yesterday marveling at the amount of property our parish has----that's the church spire you can in see in the distance of the 3rd photo. I started out in my car, waiting for Pip to get out of a meeting, but I had to escape the dude in the car next to me blasting his self-help audio for God and everyone to hear! He had his windows up, but I could hear it, literally, halfway across the huge parking lot! Going as far away as I could, I found myself in the middle of the Stations of the Cross. When my boys were scouts a few years ago, we helped install the pavers, but I haven't spent any time here since then. I didn't realize how lovely it is with the grass, benches, and open spaces. Full disclosure: I usually pray the Stations outdoors at another parish, not this one. It's a long story. ;-)


"Waiting for Tom"

Cleaning Tom's bedroom after his departure for his sophomore year of college left me in a bit of a funk. To make myself laugh, I set his giant, stuffed Sully in the window to wait for him. (He got that yearrrrrs ago!) It was pretty funny/creepy to pull into the driveway and see him glaring down at us! It made me laugh, but maybe I'm the only one, because Tom moved him when he came home for the weekend. Drat!


Pip started archery lessons this year. He had some experience from Boy Scout camp, and we had gotten him a junior-size bow a couple of years ago (before his growth spurt!), but he needed another, adult-sized one for the classes. Since we began this endeavor, we're becoming good buddies with the archery expert at the sporting goods store! We've got the new bow adjusted to fit our growing young man, and yesterday we acquired a couple of little necessities like arrows and a target. I'm proud to say that since Pip started a job early in the year, he paid for his bow himself. I believe that since he invested a large chunk of his own money, that's why his bow is safely stored in his room instead of in the garage! Our man in the archery department is going to fix us up with a fantastic deal on a case soon. 

After we got home with the target and the arrows, Pip offered me the opportunity to do a little shooting with him. The bow pulls at 51 lb. and I couldn't do it! :'-(  I'm going to have to work on my upper body strength because I really like archery  shooting stuff. :-) That's my normally latent adventurous side surfacing. Do you have one of those???

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